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How to Design a Successful Architecture Solution for MVP
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How to Design a Successful Architecture Solution for MVP

What's an MVP?

An MVP is a minimum viable product. It is a product that has just enough features to satisfy early customers and to provide feedback for future product development.

The definition of MVP is the following: "A prototype, product, or service created with minimal resources to test a concept or idea."

An MVP can be an app, website, physical device, or any other type of invention. The important thing is that it should be able to do something and it should not cost much money or time to make.

To be successful with MVP development, you should follow these four steps and work with a trusted engineering consultancy to achieve the goal in a limited timeframe and budget.

Step 1 - Define the Problem Space

The product problem space is the set of all the problems that a company, product, or service is trying to solve. The goal of defining the problem space is to figure out what needs solving and what solutions are possible.

In order to define your problem space, you need to ask yourself:

  • What am I trying to achieve?
  • Who am I trying to help?
  • What am I not able to do?
  • What are my competitors doing?
  • Who else can help me with this problem?

Step 2 - Research and Understand the Environment

The research and understanding of the environment of a product is an essential part of the MVP process. It is important to understand the product’s environment and how it interacts with other products in that area.

This includes looking at competitors, their features, pricing, and marketing strategies. It also includes looking at potential end users and how they use these products. The goal is to make sure that your product can stand out in this market and be useful for these customers.

Step 3 - Brainstorm Approaches that Fit into a Scalable Architectural Pattern

A scalable architecture pattern is a solution that can be modified and scaled to fit the needs of the company. It is a modular, iterative and incremental approach to software development.

When we talk about scalable architecture patterns, we usually think about MVP (minimum viable product) architectures. This type of architecture is used when you need to build something quickly and cheaply in order to test if it will work for your company. The MVP architecture can be used in different ways:

  • You can build an MVP prototype that includes only the most important features for your product or service
  • You can use it as a framework for future development or as a starting point for new products
  • You can use it as an initial version of your product while you are still developing it

Step 4 - Prototype and Validate Solutions to Validate Approach

The prototyping phase is the most important step in the process of validating your solution. It is in this phase that you will identify and fix any major flaws in your solution and make sure that it will work in a production environment. Prototyping also helps you validate your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach by identifying any necessary changes or enhancements before you start to build the final product.

MVP. What’s next?

A Minimum Viable Product is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future product development. In order to have a successful MVP, it is important to have a clear understanding of the customer base and how the product will be used. Additionally, a clear understanding of scalability is necessary in order to maintain the quality of service for both current and future customers. This can be achieved by enlisting the help of an experienced architect that understands the role that the new technology will play in your business.

We always recommend our clients to use the MVP Development Supervision service in order to go through all the stages faster and not to miss something important.